
Above is a band called Sun Room. It’s a group of guys from California who play indie surf rock. Most of their music sounds the same but it was my first show without a parent. I went with my roommate and friend and we had a blast in Philly that night! They blew my expectations away and the venue was great. The tickets were also super cheap.

This is probably my favorite concert to date. It was so good because I wasn’t expecting it to be. I also did not know I was allowed this close to the stage so I went down alone and got an amazing spot. I knew every song and screamed my heart out the whole time. Lorde did an amazing job: the vocals, stage presence, lighting, and props were insane.

The Lumineers were also an incredible show. When the crowd does this, I get goosebumps. The Lumineer’s pianist is also a stuntman and did a handstand on the piano, climbed the stage wall with a fiddle, and ran down the middle of the two sides pictured above. They sounded just like the recordings and were completely entertaining.